Throughout the annals of history, Satanism has been a huge controversy, even in today's society.
Until now, I viewed Christians and all weak-minded people as toys, put here for the Left-Hand Path's amusement.
As a member of the Left Hand Path, I believe we are not even of the same species of humanity as a Christian. We have far surpassed Christianity and all other philosophies and theologies in mental capacity and strength.
Now back to my toy philosophy. I sometimes watch TV evangelists for a good laugh or watch the news for a chuckle, and throughout all the bad things in the world, these fools still claim their God will get them through it.
The shock of a traumatic experience can sometimes cause temporary delusions, I’ve heard. Christian toys have tried to brainwash the world with their superior right-wing rhetoric about how they're God's chosen people, and we are murdering vile creatures who will burn in Hell.
I can no longer stand by and let our movement perish by the hands of these weak-minded non-individuals.
By Rev. Frederick Nagash