Greetings, over the past thirty years involved in the left-hand path as a Luciferian priest, I've rose up thousands of adepts. I've dedicated my life to this path and to the order (the church of Lucifer) which my mentor reverend Robert Stills founded nearly 40 years ago. Some might know me as Frederick Nagash, others as Frederick Ambrogio and some as Frederick Cook.
I knew from an early age that I was not a part of the religious choices of my family (Catholic) and they respected such. Once I'd gotten an inkling of what true Luciferianism is, I was in love and knew that this path was something I'd dedicate my life to propagate. When my mentor rejoined the black well and left us, I was charged with keeping the path and order alive and I saw to doing just that.
I brought Luciferianism out from obscurity, by bringing the church of Lucifer online when I was sixteen and now that I'm forty... everyone seems to call themselves a Luciferian, even with no actual knowledge of the path.... but that's best kept for another time.
Some of the greatest lessons I've learned have come through the path and teaching/raising up others. Some lessons have come from triumphs, while others (even greater lessons) have come through pain. Luciferianism is as much a part of me, as my own appendages or senses.
Although the church of Lucifer is only forty years old, it's history, teachings and workings come from the Hellenic Greek mystery schools, passed and continued through familial traditions. We honor the Luciferian familial tradition by calling one another brothers and sisters and sitting as equals within the order. Those whom are a part of our order are extended family to us and all whom hold membership are to at least be civil and adult towards one another, should they choose to interact.
As for me, I sacrificed for this path most of my youth, an initiate at twelve, a priest at sixteen and running the operations of the order since then. This wasn't done out of some quest for power or to control others, but out of love for the path and organization that had freed my mind and spirit. I sacrificed those important years, because in Luciferianism, as in life, you get out of it, what you put into it... as you sow, so you shall reap!
I am a family man, four kids, a fiancé, I work for myself, love animals, I'm an artist, musician, poet, radio host, published author, martial artist (master instructor) .... but I can honestly say that I'd be none of those things without Luciferianism and the C.O.L.
Don't get me wrong... Luciferianism doesn't define me, but it gave me the introspective tools to define myself.
When people meet me, I'm never as their expectations portray... I'm always smiling, happy... losers are angry all of the time, losers sulk and hate everyone who are unlike themselves or on different paths. My kids love me and are well taken care of and I make no qualms of the innumerable tea parties I've taken part in.
One thing the left-hand path instilled in me is to not be our do, as others are and do, to find the true me and dissolve the rest. To not be defined by music, society, culture, media and not even the indistinguishable sheep who claim to be on the path, but dress and act just as so many others playing dress up and role play.
I welcome all genuine light bearers who've heard the call to seek wisdom, to find that dark light within and outside of themselves, to a new dawn... welcome to the church of Lucifer.
(P.S. I've done all of this while being legally blind and hard of hearing)
Reverend Fredrick Ambrogio